HomepageOn the Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030

On the Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030

On the Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030


1. To approve the attached the Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030 (hereinafter - the Concept).

2. The Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan within three months should take measures to exercise the Concept.

3. Control over the implementation of this Decree shall be assigned to the Executive Office of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

4. To recognize as invalid the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated January 21, 2014 No. 741 “On the Foreign Policy Concept of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2014-2020”.

5. This Decree shall enter into force from the date of its signing.



President Republic of Kazakhstan                                                                                        K. Tokayev


Nur-Sultan, Akorda, March 6, 2020

No. 280




By the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan

No. 280 of March 6, 2020




The Foreign Policy CONCEPT of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030


Chapter 1. Analysis of the current situation


The contemporary system of international relations is undergoing a complex transformation, the main features of which are:

Crisis of confidence and increased conflict, including as a result of reduced functionality of multilateral security institutions and dialogue, low efficiency of preventive diplomacy and conflict resolution mechanisms;

The erosion of the fundamental principles of international law, the collision of two main trends on a global scale – globalism and nationalism, which creates serious risks for small and medium-sized states;

Aggravation of traditional security challenges and threats, such as terrorism, extremism, the arms race, including missile, nuclear and space, climate change, and a number of others;

The emergence of new factors of influence on geopolitics and geo-economics, including those related to the development of information and communication technologies, hybrid and cyberwar phenomena;

The erosion of the contemporary model of globalization and the international trading system, the widening gap in economic and technological development between countries and regions, the vulnerability of the global financial system, the tightening of trade and currency wars, and the sanctions standoff.

Against this background, the world community is aware of the need to form a more stable system of international relations, which is supported by the following factors:

Growing interdependence of countries and regions;

Accumulated experience in tackling global and regional issues, searching for joint responses to contemporary challenges;

Absence of a pronounced ideological confrontation between the leading states and military-political blocs;

Awareness of the lack of alternative market economy.

These factors have a serious impact on the conceptual and practical approaches in Kazakhstan’s foreign policy.

Over the years of Independence, our country has strengthened its position in the international arena, established itself as a peaceful and open state, and a reliable partner in global and regional affairs. Kazakhstan exercises a multi-vector, pragmatic and proactive foreign policy and makes a significant contribution to the formation and implementation of the global and regional agenda in the field of security, cooperation and development. At the same time, the main attention is paid to the full and unshakable defense of national interests, and the constructive promotion of foreign policy and foreign economic priorities.

At the same time, Kazakhstan’s entry into a new stage of the state development and the formation of a new economic course put Kazakhstan’s foreign policy in the face of new realities and challenges.

First, against the background of increasing interstate competition for political and economic influence, international markets and investment flows, Kazakhstan needs to consolidate its status as a responsible member of the world community, a key element of the system of geopolitical and geo-economic coordinates of the Eurasian continent, a leading state in the Central Asian region.

Secondly, in a dynamically changing global and regional environment, it is important to ensure more effective and systematic promotion of Kazakhstan’s international initiatives based on pragmatism and systematic analysis in order to obtain concrete benefits for the country and the world.

Third, in accordance with the “Listening-state” Concept and given the strategic goal to enter the 30 TOP developed countries in the world, the emphasis should be increased on promoting and protecting the interests of the state, business, and every citizen on the external frontiers. This is a key condition for building a strong, harmonious and socially responsible state that is organically integrated into the contemporary system of international relations.

The need to bring the system of foreign policy views and diplomatic tools in line with long-term realities determines the feasibility of adopting this document.

The Concept of the Foreign Policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2020-2030 tailored to the goals and objectives outlined in the long-term Strategy of sustainable development until 2050, the Plan of the Nation “100 Concrete Steps On Implementation of Five Institutional Reforms” and annual state of the nation addresses of the President to people of Kazakhstan.


Chapter 2. International experience


The development of the Foreign Policy Concept (hereinafter referred to as the FPC) is widely used in international practice.

The review of the FPS of foreign countries shows the following key points.

1. The world countries are aware of the importance of having balanced and realistic the FPS in order to successfully exercise national interests and conduct an effective international strategy.

2. The FPS is a reflection of both long-term and current interests of states, stemming from their objective capabilities, place and role in the system of international relations.

3. In the development of the FPS, there is a tendency to accumulate and use the accumulated experience of international activities of States, and to maintain certain continuity.

4. For the most part, the FPS’s of foreign countries are based on the relationship between foreign, domestic and economic policies.

Taking into account the status of Kazakhstan as a medium-sized regional state, the analysis of the FPS of foreign countries of a comparable international category was of particular interest. At the same time, the following regularity is noted: systemic factors (events and trends at the global and regional level that directly affect the foreign policy agenda) have a predominant influence on the formation of foreign policy lines of medium-sized states.

In General, this Concept accumulates the existing positive experience of the world practice of developing foreign policy documents and adapts it to the current conditions of Kazakhstan’s development.


Chapter 3. Basic principles of foreign policy


The Republic of Kazakhstan exercises its foreign policy on the basis of the following basic principles:

1) Continuity of the foreign policy of the First President – Elbasy Nursultan A. Nazarbayev at the new stage of the country’s development;

2) Assistance in building a stable, fair and democratic world order; equal integration into the world political, economic and humanitarian space; effective protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of Kazakhstan citizens and compatriots living abroad;

3) Promotion of external openness of the state, creation of favorable external conditions for improving the welfare of Kazakhstan, development of political, economic and spiritual potential of the country;

4) Multi-vector, pragmatism and proactivity, which means the development of friendly, equal and mutually beneficial relations with all states, interstate associations and international organizations of practical interest to Kazakhstan;

5) Multilateralism aimed at forming a collective vision and effective approaches of the international community to tackling a wide range of global and regional problems on the basis of multilateral consultations and agreements;

6) The inextricable link between security and development at the national, regional and global levels, involving the development of integrated approaches by the international community to respond to cross-border security challenges and threats, to resolve conflicts, and to build peace in the post-conflict countries.


Chapter 4. Foreign policy goals and objectives


Kazakhstan’s foreign policy strategy is aimed at achieving the following strategic goals:

1) Strengthening the Independence, state sovereignty and territorial integrity of the country, the preservation of independence of the foreign policy;

2) Consolidation of leading positions and promotion of long-term interests of Kazakhstan in the Central Asia region;

3) Positioning Kazakhstan as an active and responsible member of the international community, making a significant contribution to ensuring international and regional stability and security;

4) Maintaining friendly, predictable and mutually beneficial relations with foreign states in both bilateral and multilateral formats, developing comprehensive interaction with interstate associations and international organizations;

5) Full use of the potential of foreign policy in order to increase the competitiveness of the national economy, the level and quality of life of the Kazakhstan people;

6) Assistance by foreign policy methods to preserve and strengthen the unity of the multinational people of Kazakhstan;

7) Placing the practical interests of citizens of Kazakhstan and national business at the forefront of the state’s foreign policy.

Goals achievement determines the setting and implementation of the following tasks:

1) Increasing efforts to create a politically stable, economically sustainable and secure space around Kazakhstan;

2) Continuing the course of strengthening international peace and cooperation, improving the effectiveness of global and regional security systems and interaction;

3) Develop and exercise new approaches to key foreign policy issues at the bilateral and multilateral level given the promotion and protection of long-term strategic interests of the state;

4) Ensuring a new level of “Economization” of foreign policy, further strengthening of Kazakhstan’s position in the system of world economic relations;

5) Intensification of “humanitarian diplomacy”, promotion of a positive image of the country within the world community;

6) Establishing an effective system of communication with the Kazakhstan’s public on foreign policy issues;

7) Improvement of work to ensure protection of personal and family rights of citizens, legal interests of individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad.


Chapter 5. Trends and vision for the development of foreign policy


The above goals and objectives determine the following key priorities of the country in international arena.

1. Priorities for the maintenance of international peace and security

1.1. Promoting the restoration and strengthening of an atmosphere of trust in international relations based on the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, promoting multilateral interaction on the basis of equality and compromise;

1.2. Applying an integrated approach to resolving inter-state conflicts and disputes, as well as civil conflicts in adjacent regions, with an emphasis on the possibilities of preventive diplomacy and mediation;

1.3. Promoting strategic stability, countering the use and threat of use of nuclear weapons for any purpose; continuing efforts to achieve a world without nuclear weapons and other weapons of mass destruction (WMD), and supporting the establishment of nuclear-weapon-free zones;

1.4. Involvement in international efforts to prevent the race of conventional and new types of weapons, support measures to preserve and promote international control regimes over conventional and new types of weapons;

1.5. Intensifying the search for integrated approaches to addressing key issues of Asian security, including through the transformation of the Conference on Interaction and Confidence-Building Measures in Asia (CICA) into a regional organization for security and development;

1.6. Assisting in consolidating global and regional efforts in countering international terrorism and extremism, including through the creation of a broad international anti-terrorist coalition; interaction with external partners in the fight against organized crime, drug trafficking and other criminal activities;

1.7. Assisting in ensuring international information security, combating cyberterrorism and the use of information and communication technologies for illegal purposes, including those that pose a threat to international peace, security and stability.

2. Priorities in the field of economic diplomacy

2.1. Attracting international resources and potential to the processes of structural transformation of the national economy, including through the implementation of industrialization programs and the development of the “Economy of Simple Things»;

2.2. Expanding international cooperation to attract high-quality foreign investment in the basic sectors of the economy: machine building and instrument making, agro-industrial complex, light industry, production of construction materials, mining, transport and logistics, health care, education, tourism, petrochemistry and oil refining, oil service industry, agrochemical industry, non-ferrous metallurgy;

2.3. Promoting the transfer of advanced foreign technologies to Kazakhstan as an important part of the innovation and industrial process. Promotion of the brand of Kazakhstan as an open jurisdiction for international partnership in new high-tech industries, including in the light of the “Digital Kazakhstan” State Program, the development of artificial intelligence, big data and other related areas;

2.4. Ensuring favorable external conditions for the implementation of the “Concept for the transition of the Republic of Kazakhstan to a “green economy” in order to improve the efficiency of water, land, biological and other resources;

2.5. Assisting in integrating the most competitive sectors of Kazakhstan's economy into international and regional production chains;

2.6. Assisting to Kazakh investors and producers in implementing projects in foreign markets, countering their discrimination by government agencies in other countries;

2.7. Promoting the expansion of the range, volume and geography of national exports, primarily non-raw materials, including taking into account the priorities of the state program of trade policy until 2025 and its subsequent revisions. Involvement in the development and implementation of international quality standards, assistance in removing tariff, non-tariff and protective measures that prevent the export of Kazakh goods and services;

2.8. Continuing efforts to turn Kazakhstan into a transcontinental transit and logistics hub on the East – West and North – South main routes, based on the potential of the “Nurly Zhol” State Program, the introduction of the “Open Skies” policy and infrastructure initiatives of foreign partners;

2.9. Development of trade, economic and investment cooperation at the regional and local level, including on the basis of the Forum for Interregional Cooperation between Kazakhstan and Russia, the “Khorgos” International Centre for Cross-border Cooperation, “Central Asia” the centre of trade and economic cooperation;

2.10. Assisting in strengthening regional and global energy security, achieving a balance of interests of countries that produce, transit, and consume energy resources, and creating diversified, stable, and secure export routes;

2.11. Promotion of the Astana International Financial Centre and its further integration into the global financial ecosystem. Attracting large foreign companies to manage commodity exchanges in Kazakhstan;

2.12. Promoting the effective functioning of the international trading system based on the principles of the world trade organization;

2.13. Involvement in international efforts to ensure regional food security, including using the potential of the Islamic Organization for Food Security;

2.14. Contributing to the efforts of the international community to provide official development assistance;

3. Priorities in the areas of human rights, humanitarian diplomacy and environmental protection

3.1. Strengthening of constructive and equal cooperation in the field of protection of human rights and freedoms, development of civil society, given the peculiarities of historical development and cultural values of the world countries;

3.2. Promotion of intercultural and interreligious dialogue, including through the Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, initiatives within the International Decade for the Rapprochement of Cultures, participation in the UN Alliance of Civilizations and other international initiatives;

3.3. Participation in the efforts of the international community to counteract criminal acts motivated by hatred, racial discrimination, religious contradictions, extremism and nationalism;

3.4. Participation in strengthening international cooperation in the fight against illegal migration and human trafficking;

3.5. Accession to multilateral conventions and conclusion of bilateral agreements on the liberalization of visa procedures and regimes;

3.6. Conclusion of bilateral agreements on mutual legal assistance in criminal and civil cases, extradition and transfer of convicted persons;

3.7. Expanding international cooperation at the bilateral and multilateral level in education, science, culture, sports and youth policy;

3.8. Promoting the rich historical and cultural heritage of the Kazakh people, including in the “Rukhani Jangyru” Program;

3.9. Expanding the use of digital diplomacy tools to achieve foreign policy goals, promote international initiatives, and develop cooperation with foreign countries;

3.10. Informing the world community on Kazakhstan’s approaches and initiatives on regional and global policy and economy, including using the potential of the Astana Economic Forum, the Eurasian Media Forum and the Astana Club;

3.11. Systematic explanation of the tasks and priorities of the country’s foreign policy to the Kazakhstan’s public, as well as specific results and benefits for the people of Kazakhstan in order to increase the foreign policy competence of the society and strengthen its resistance to negative external influences;

3.12. Supporting for the development of the Kazakh language and culture in places of compact residence of Kazakh communities abroad, their ties with the historical homeland, including through the World Association of Kazakhs and the “Otandastar Foundation”;

3.13. Protecting the rights and legitimate interests of Kazakh citizens staying abroad, as well as Kazakh children adopted by foreigners living abroad;

3.14. Using the potential of the “parliamentary diplomacy” to promote political, economic and humanitarian ties;

3.15. Application of “public diplomacy” tools, interaction with Kazakhstan’s non-governmental sector in the field of foreign policy;

3.16. Expansion of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection, prevention and elimination of consequences of natural and man-made emergencies;

3.17. Continuation of work to improve, together with neighboring countries, the contractual legal framework, tools and mechanisms in the field of fair and rational use, sustainable management and protection of transboundary water resources;

3.18. Cooperation with foreign partners and donors to rehabilitate the territories of the former Semipalatinsk Nuclear Test Site and the Aral Sea, as well as to combat desertification;

3.19. Practical implementation of the provisions of the “Framework Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Caspian Sea” and its protocols together with the Caspian countries;

3.20. Involvement in international cooperation in the field of health, including in order countering epidemics and pandemics.


Tools for implementing foreign policy

In accordance with the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the President determines the main directions of the country’s foreign policy and represents Kazakhstan in international relations.

In accordance with the Constitutional law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy”, the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy, due to his historical mission, has the right to address the people of Kazakhstan, state bodies and officials with initiatives on important issues of foreign policy for life.

The Parliament, as the highest representative body, conducts legislative work on ratification and denunciation of international treaties within its constitutional powers.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (hereinafter – MFA), which is an authorized body in the field of foreign policy, develops the main directions of foreign policy and exercises international initiatives of the Head of State, as well as submits relevant proposals to the President and the Government, coordinates the activities of central executive bodies in relations with foreign states, interstate associations and international organizations.

The Government, which heads the system of executive bodies, ensures the development of relations with foreign states, international and regional organizations, and develops measures for the implementation of foreign economic policy and financing of foreign policy activities.

State bodies on the regular bases, within their competence and with the coordinating role of the MFA, carry out work on the implementation of international agreements and obligations of the country, develop tactical approaches and specific proposals in the field of foreign policy. The adoption of internal decisions by state bodies that could potentially have foreign policy consequences is mandatory for approval by the MFA.

Foreign institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan are a key component of the unified system of the diplomatic service headed by the MFA. Their activities are aimed at protecting and promoting the national interests of Kazakhstan, its citizens and legal entities in the countries of accreditation, interstate associations or international organizations.

Intergovernmental commissions (committees, councils, forums) on trade and economic cooperation with foreign countries are the main tool for promoting the interests of Kazakhstan, interaction between business and the state, and solving problems of mutual interest together with foreign partners.

Programs and plans are being developed to implement agreements and obligations arising from international treaties and decisions of intergovernmental commissions (committees, councils, forums).

Interdepartmental commissions and working groups are being set up to implement specific priorities in the field of foreign policy and the economy.

The Public Council on the activities of the MFA ensures interaction with civil society, informing the public and conducting public expertise.


Chapter 6. Implementation stages and expected outputs


In order to increase the predictability of the doctrinal foundations of Kazakhstan’s foreign policy, the Concept has been extended to 10 years. Plans for the implementation of the Concept are approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and being updated every two years.

Implementation of the Concept will contribute to:

1) Strengthening the state independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan, its international authority in line with the strategy of foreign policy continuity;

2) Strengthening national, regional and global security;

3) Formation of a favorable external environment, strengthening of friendly, equal and mutually beneficial political and economic relations of Kazakhstan with all interested States and international organizations;

4) Achieving a higher level of integration of Kazakhstan into the international community and world economic relations, including through diversification and digitalization of the national economy;

5) Intensification of international cooperation in cultural, humanitarian, scientific, educational and related fields;

6) Strengthening the protection of personal and family interests of citizens, business interests of individuals and legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan abroad;

7) Raising awareness of the general public of Kazakhstan and foreign countries about the long-term priorities, practical steps and concrete results of the state’s foreign policy;

8) As a result, the state, national business and the people of Kazakhstan will receive specific benefits from foreign policy activities.


Chapter 7. List of normative legal acts through which the Concept is supposed to be implemented


1. Constitutional Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan – Elbasy” dated July 20, 2000.

2. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On the Diplomatic Service of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated 7 March, 2002.

3. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On International Agreements of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated May 30, 2005.

4. Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan “On National Security of the Republic of Kazakhstan” dated January 6, 2012.


A source: http://www.akorda.kz