The Documentary Film Center is a part of the Television and Radio Complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan producing professionally the documentary media content about the activity of the President of Kazakhstan, the progress in implementation of the priority areas of focus of domestic and foreign policy of the country.

The Documentary Film Center annually produces over 40 documentaries and short features broadcast by the majority of Kazakhstani TV channels.

Production teams of the Documentary Film Center accompany the President in each trip both across Kazakhstan and beyond.  The shooting process is not only limited to the official side of the things as the production teams collect video materials about culture, people and local scenery of different countries.

In addition, the Documentary Films Center together with the digital department of the Television and Radio Complex of the President of Kazakhstan work on the projects to promote the initiatives and instructions given by the Head of State.

The Documentary Films Center boasts state-of-the-art facilities and equipment for filmmaking as well as highly professional staff.

The Documentary Films Center continues to chronicle the history of independent Kazakhstan. The collection of materials which details the activity of the leaders of Kazakhstan accumulated by the Documentary Films Center is second to none in the country.