Kazhibayeva Raushan Zhanabergenovna
In 1999 she graduated from the Eurasian University named after L.N. Gumilyov with specialty journalist.
Over the years, she worked as a political observer for the television channel KTK, editor-in-chief in the Russian department of the Kazakhstan channel, adviser to the Senate Chairman, head of the press service in the Senate of Kazakhstan, head of the press service, press secretary of the Kazakhstan Prime Minister, head of the PR Department in the Ministry of Defense, Director of Public Affairs of the joint-stock company NC “Kazakhstan temir zholy”, Advisor to the First Deputy Prime Minister, Advisor to the Prime Minister of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
Swiss International School of Business – Master of Advanced Studies in Human Resource Management (2021)
Since August 2019 serves as the Director-General of the NJSC ‘Kazakhstan President’s TV and Radio complex’.
Since September 2023 serves as the Director of the RSE on the REM “TV and Radio Complex of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan”.