HomepagePresident Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Prime Minister Askar Mamin

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Prime Minister Askar Mamin

President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev receives Prime Minister Askar Mamin
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The Head of State was informed about the forecast estimates of macroeconomic development indicators for 2020 and the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country.

According to preliminary data presented to the President, in 2020 the volume of production in the real sector increased by 2%. In particular, in the manufacturing industry, the growth amounted to 3.3%, including in food production – 3.6%, pharmaceuticals – 40%, production of finished metal goods – 20%, mechanical engineering – 16%, including in the automotive industry – 53%, in light industry – 16%. Thus, the real sector has become the main factor in the stability of the national economy.

Prime Minister informed the Head of State that the rates significantly exceeding the long-term average are observed in the construction industry. According to the results of the year, the volume of construction work increased by 12.5%, the commissioning of housing by 14.5% or about 15 million square meters. High growth rates of 5.0% are also secured in agriculture. Positive dynamics is maintained in such important areas of the mining sector as the extraction of iron ore (+0.6 %) and other minerals (+2.1%).

President Tokayev also heard a report on the sanitary and epidemiological situation in the country. According to Prime Minister Mamin, the situation is under control: the daily increase in new cases of coronavirus infection is 0.46%, the rate of reproduction of the virus in the country is 0.9%, the occupancy rate of infectious beds is 29%, resuscitation – 21%.

Furthermore, the Head of State was informed about the measures taken to attracting investment, supporting employment, and ensuring price stability for socially important goods, as well as about other pressing issues of Kazakhstan’s socio-economic development.


A source: http://www.akorda.kz